James Allen, Lily L. Allen, Orison Swett Marden, Christian D. Larson, Ralph Waldo Trine, Emile Coue, Prentice Mulford, Wallace D. Wattles, Russell H. Conwell, Elbert Hubbard, Fenwicke L. Holmes, William George Jordan, free download pdf of As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
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Healing for All Our Ills

HEALING FOR ALL OUR ILLS by Lily L. Allen. Clearing the Mind, Reversing the Thoughts, Self-Treatment, We are in Heaven Now, The Use of Denials, The Use of Affirmations, Healing Treatments, Mixed-Thinking, Thinking of Others, The Need of Patience, The Power of Words, Perfect Health, The Abundant Life, The Ideal is Always the Real, The Vision of the Healer, Etc. 79 pages. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-453-2 (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)