James Allen, Lily L. Allen, Orison Swett Marden, Christian D. Larson, Ralph Waldo Trine, Emile Coue, Prentice Mulford, Wallace D. Wattles, Russell H. Conwell, Elbert Hubbard, Fenwicke L. Holmes, William George Jordan, free download pdf of As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
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Here are all the products in this category:
Character: The Grandest Thing in the World
by Orison Swett Marden. A Grand Character, The Light Bearers, The Great-Hearted, Intrepidity of Spirit, "A Fragment of the Rock of Ages," Etc. 55 pgs. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-297-1.
$ 8.00
Ambition and Success
by Orison Swett Marden. What is Ambition, The Satisfied Man, The Influence of Environment, Unworthy Ambitions,Ambition Knows No Age Limit, Make Your Life Count, Visualize Yourself in a Better Position, Thwarted Ambition, Why Don't You Begin? 75p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-369-2.
$ 8.00
An Iron Will
by Orison Swett Marden. Training the Will, Mental Discipline, Conscious Power, Do You Believe in Yourself? Will Power in its Relation to Health and Disease, The Romance of Achievement Under Difficulties, Concentrated Energy, Staying Power, Persistent Purpose, Success Against Odds, Etc. 52 pgs. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-283-1. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Cheerfulness as a Life Power
by Orison Swett Marden. What Vanderbilt Paid for Twelve Laughs, The Cure for Americanitis, Oiling Your Business Machinery, Taking Your Fun Every Day as You Do Your Work, Finding What You Do Not Seek, Looking Pleasant - A Thing to be Worked From the Inside, The Sunshine Man. 79 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-363-3.
$ 7.50
Every Man a King or Might in Mind Mastery
by Orison Swett Marden. Steering Thought Prevents Life Wrecks, How Mind Rules the Body, Thought Causes Health and Disease, Overcoming Fear, Mastering our Moods, The Power of Cheerful Thinking, Affirmation Creates Power, How Thinking Brings Success, Building Character, The Power of Imagination, How to Control Thought, Etc. 240 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-334-X.
$ 20.00
The Exceptional Employee
by Orison Swett Marden. The Exceptional Employee, Self-Discovery, Conquering an Uncongenial Environment, The Power of Enthusiasm, Self-Confidence Gets the Job, Why a Good Appearance Wins, Put Your Best into Everything, Make Your Work Your Masterpiece, Etc! 202 pgs. 5x8 pgs. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-352-8.
$ 18.00
Good Manners - A Passport to Success
by Orison Swett Marden. The Home Training, Self-Respect, Self-Control, Tact, The Relation of Courtesy to a Business Career, Manner in Public Life, The Law of Kindness. 64p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-366-8.
$ 7.50
He Can Who Thinks He Can
by Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can, Getting Aroused, Education by Absorption, Freedom at Any Cost, What the World Owes to Dreamers, The Spirit in Which You Work, Responsibility Develops Power, Stand for Something, Happy, If Not, Why? Originality, Sizing Up People, Getting Away From Poverty, Etc. 245 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-346-3.
$ 22.00
How They Succeeded
LIFE STORIES OF SUCCESSFUL MEN AND WOMEN TOLD BY THEMSELVES by Orison Swett Marden. Marshall Field, Alexander G. Bell, Helen Gould, Philip D. Armour, Mary E. Proctor, John Wanamaker, Darius Ogden Mills, Lillian Nordica, John D. Rockefeller, Julia Ward Howe, Thomas A. Edison, Lew Wallace, Andrew Carnegie, John Burroughs, James Whitcomb Riley, Etc. 365 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-345-5.
$ 26.00
How to Get What You Want
HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT by Orison Swett Marden. How to Get What You Want, Discouragement a Disease, How to Cure It, The Force that Moves Mountains, Faith and Drugs, How to find oneself, How to Attract Prosperity, Heart-to-Heart Talks With Yourself, Etc. 331 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-335-8.
$ 30.00
Making Life a Masterpiece
by Orison Swett Marden. Making Life a Masterpiece, Practical Dreamers, Where Your Opportunity Is, The Triumph of Common Virtues, Masterfulness and Physical Vigor, Curing the Curse of Indecision, Unlocking Your Possibilities, The Will to Succeed, The Kingship of Self-Control, Finding Your Place, The Secret of Happiness. 329p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-365-X. (ISBN-13: 978-0-89540-365-0).
$ 30.00
Making Yourself
by Orison Swett Marden. Making Yourself, The Miracle of the Spare Moment, Your Priceless Life, Capital, Daily Opportunities, Poise is Power, They Won by Concentrating, Good Manners as Assets, Conversation: The Art of Arts, Out of a Job - Not Out of Work, How and What to Read, Learning to Think and Speak On Your Feet, Absorbing Knowledge From Everywhere, Asking Questions, The Habit of Thoroughness, The Thought is The Life, Etc! 320p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-413-3. (ISBN-13: 978-0-89540-413-8).
$ 30.00
The Miracle of Right Thought
THE MIRACLE OF RIGHT THOUGHT by Orison Swett Marden. Working for One Thing and Expecting Something Else, Expect Great Things of Yourself, Self-Encouragement by Self-Suggestion, Change the Thought - Change the Man, The Paralysis of Fear, Getting in Tune, A New Way of Bringing Up Children, Training for Longevity, As A Man Thinketh, Etc. 339 pgs. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-311-0. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Not the Salary But the Opportunity
by Orison Swett Marden. Opportunity Not a Question of Dollars and Cents, The Salary Outside Your Pay Envelope, The Haggler for Salary Cheats Himself, The Boys Who Rise in the World, Striving for Excellence, Reputation Makes or Breaks, The Right Attitude of Mind, Failures Who Tried to Get Square With Their Employers. 96p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-410-9.
$ 5.00
The Optimistic Life
by Orison Swett Marden. The Power of Amiability, The Inner Life as Related to Outward Beauty, The Value of Friends, The Cost of an Explosive Temper, Learn to Expect a Great Deal of Life, Mental Power, If You Can Talk Well, Brevity and Directness, What Distinguishes Work From Drudgery, Keeping Fit for Work, Mastering Moods, Business Integrity, Wresting Triumphant From Defeat, Freshness in Work, Don't Take Your Business Troubles Home, Let It Go, Etc! 316 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-351-X. (ISBN: 978-0-89540-351-3).
$ 28.00
Peace, Power and Plenty
by Orison Swett Marden. The Power of the Mind to Compel the Body, Poverty a Mental Disease, The Law of Opulence, Character-Building and Health-Building During Sleep, Health Through Right Thinking, Imagination and Health, How Suggestion Influences Health, Why Grow Old?, The Miracle of Self-Confidence, Self-Control vs the Explosive Passions, Good Cheer-- God's Medicine, Etc. 323 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-343-9. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Prosperity, How to Attract It
by Orison Swett Marden. How We Limit Our Supply, The Law of Attraction, Driving Away Prosperity, Establishing the Creative Consciousness, Where Prosperity Begins, How to Increase Your Ability, Look Like a Success, How to Make Your Dreams Come True, What Discouragement Does to You and How to Cure It, How to Make Your Subconscious Mind Work for You, Self-Faith and Prosperity, Fear and Worry Demagnetize the Mind - How to Get Rid of Them, Good Cheer and Prosperity, The Master Key: To Be Great, Concentrate! "Time is Money", and more. 325p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-392-7. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Pushing to the Front Vol I
by Orison Swett Marden. Opportunities Where You Are, Possibilities in Spare Time, How Poor Boys and Girls Go to College, Your Opportunity Confronts You-What, Will You Do With It?, Choosing a Vocation, Concentrated Energy, The Triumph of Enthusiasm, Promptness, Appearance, Personality, Common Sense, Accuracy, Persistence, Success Under Difficulties, Observation and Self-Improvement, The Triumph of the Common Virtues, Etc. 432 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-331-5.
$ 40.00
Pushing to the Front. Vol II
by Orison Swett Marden. The Man With an Idea, The Will and the Way, Work and Wait, The Might of Little Things, Expect Great Things of Yourself, Stand for Something, Habit: The Servant or The Master, The Power of Purity, The Power of Suggestion, The Conquest of Poverty, The Home as a School of Good Manners, Thrift, Why Some Succeed and Others Fail, Character is Power, Rich Without Money, Etc. 441 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-332-3.
$ 40.00
Rising in the World
by Orison Swett Marden. Dare, The Will and the Way, Uses of Obstacles, Self-Help, Work and Wait, Rich Without Money, Opportunities Where You Are, The Might of Little Things, Choosing a Vocation, The Man With an Idea, The Curse of Idleness, Etc! 318p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-375-7.
$ 27.00
The Secret of Achievement
The Secret of Achievement by Orison Swett Marden. Moral Sunshine, "Blessed Be Drudgery", Honesty - As Principle and As Policy, Habit: The Servant of The Master, Courage, Self-Control and The School of Life, Decide, Tenacity of Purpose, The Art of keeping Well, Purity is Power, Etc. 301p., 5x8, Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-337-4. (Temporarily out-of-print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Selling Things
by Orison Swett Marden. The Man Who Can Sell Things, Training the Salesman, Making a Favorable Impression, The Selling Talk or "Presentation", How to Get Attention, Friend- Winner and Business-Getter, Sizing Up the Prospect, How Suggestion Helps in Selling, The Gentle Art of Persuasion, Closing the Deal, Enthusiasm, Meeting and Forestalling Objections, Finding Customers, When You are Discouraged, Know Your Goods, Character is Capital, Keeping Fit and Salesmanship, Etc. 276 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-339-0.
$ 25.00
Success Fundamentals
by Orison Swett Marden. Contents include chapters on: Health and Success, Efficienty, How to Find Yourself, Confidence, The Law of Opulence, Salesmanship. 307p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-395-1. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Success Nuggets
by Orison Swett Marden. Chapters include: Does an Education Pay?, To Take the Drudgery Out of Your Occupation, Where Happiness is Found, Why He Was Not Promoted, Why They Are Poor, Why He Found Life Disappointing, If You Would Be Very Very Popular, What the World Wants, Don't Wait for Your Opportunity - Make It!, When is Success a Failure?, He Succeeded in Business but Failed as a Man Because..., Does a Vacation Pay?, What Message Does Your Success Bring?, The Time Will Come, etc! 76 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-354-4. (Temporarily out of print. Sorry!)
$ 0.00
Training for Efficency
by Orison Swett Marden. Contents include: What the World Owes to Dreamers, The Miracle of Self-Confidence, When Poverty is a Blessing, Keeping Fit for Work, Self-Reliance Marks the Winner, Always Improving Something Somewhere, Responsibility Develops Power, The Miracle of Polite Persistency, Stand for Something, Tact - the Miracle Worker, Don't Get the Worry Habit, Have You the Good-Will Habit?, After Failure - What?, The Tragedy of Carelessness, Where Does Your Energy Go?, Self-Improvement by Reading, Etc! 360p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-394-3.
$ 33.00
The Victorious Attitude
by Orison Swett Marden. The Victorious Attitude, Making Dreams Come True, Making Yourself a Prosperity Magnet, The Triumph of Health Ideals, How to Make the Brain Work for Us During Sleep, Preparing the Mind for Sleep, How to Stay Young, Our Oneness With Infinite Life, Etc! 358 pgs. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-353-6. (ISBN-13: 978-0-89540-353-7).
$ 32.00
You Can, But Will You?
by Orison Swett Marden. The Magic Mirror, The New Philosophy of Life, Connecting With the Power that Creates, You Can, But Will You?, How Do You Stand With Yourself? The New Philosophy in Business, What Are You Thinking?, Facing Life the Right Way, How to Realize Your Ambition, The Open Door, Do You Carry Victory in Your Face? Etc. 338p. 5x8. Paperback. ISBN: 0-89540-342-0.
$ 30.00
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